Ukraine, Russia two countries whose mention as of this writing, is divisive and to some who witness this our year of 2022, downright confusing. Add a dash of whisper pertaining to the latest and greatest form of robbery and international hostage situations that all take place in cyberspace and remind us all of a screenplay in 1999 involving dangerous hackers, an immediate hit at the box office. The whole world felt like it was reaching an apex and Hollywood movies could be seen as simple fantasy, but at this point we feel it safe to say that the undercurrent of dystopian expectations within many people’s outlook at the turn of the new millennia may prove that neither art imitates life nor does life imitate art, but instead that life is art and such is clear if the ambiguity of language is taken into mind.

Ransomware, every organization and should be every person’s worst nightmare every night. We have come to adopt technology in almost every facet of our lives and that makes us more of a variable, or one could say perhaps virus as humans than the silver screen could ever portray. When we rush towards novelty which compounds itself, it is akin to a biological virus that has learned the mutation resulting in ever rapidly increasing beneficial mutations. Too smart for it’s own good, soon eliminating it’s own environment and ability to persist. We adopt watches that we just must be certain have enough charge to make it until evening before we leave the house. We acquiesce to vehicles that drive us to work while we sneakily catch a few Z’s with a level of relaxation 20 years behind the concerns of the experts in the most important field of science today, Computer Science.

We understand that seeing as reality remains fixed in regards to the impossibility of brute force attack against commonly used and freely available encryption cyphers, that there is no need to beat around the bush. Ransomware is lethal, and the flourishment of artificial sentient systems paired with militarized encryption and attack methods will be the straw that breaks the camels back forcing us onto Don Quixote’s horse as we ride towards windmills of extreme and untold Keynesian economic experimentation in a feeble attempt to control the black swan which has already been seen in the words above and so much clamour which we have all been doing lately, if only internally.

Our company takes the absolutely bleeding edge of cybersecurity seriously for your company, so you never get the dreaded call at 3:03 AM from the CTO who started calling from the top of the org chart down to you over the past ninety three minutes since the incident. Sleep is precious, even sacred some would say. Having a personal relationship with our company and having our Executives moments away prepared to offer advice and more importantly a tactical understanding of the latest threats can be a rather interesting experience

Published On: October 13th, 2022 / Categories: Security /

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